Tahini: Meet the Arabian Sesame Paste That Makes Hummus

Tahini: Meet the Arabian Sesame Paste That Makes Hummus

Middle Eastern dishes are prepared with a variety of food mixes, from meat to vegetables to legumes and grains. They are also well presented in an appetizing manner with authentic flavors. There’s something for everyone’s taste.

Tahini is of Arab origin and very popular in the Middle East. This is a super-nutritious delicacy made from peeled, toasted and ground sesame seeds. This process results in a paste that is a great substitute for butter and is used in the preparation of hummus – a typical chickpea dish.

What is the nutritional composition of tahini?

A 2 tablespoon serving of tahini contains 178 calories, 16g fat, 6g carbs (3g fiber and 0g sugar) and 5g protein. This measure supplies 24% of our body’s daily needs for magnesium, 22% phosphorus, 14% iron and 12% calcium.

Although it is a high-fat food, only 2 grams of the total are saturated (those that are harmful to the body). The other 14 grams are composed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which confer benefits to the body’s functioning, especially to the protection of the heart.

Tahini is a food rich in omega 6, an important fatty acid that reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) in our blood. The food also has important antioxidants that help combat the action of free radicals that attack cells and cause disease and premature aging.

Is tahini a good choice for those who practice physical activities and want to lose weight?

Sesame is a rich source of protein, which is present in every cell and tissue in our body and is responsible for forming the main structural elements of it. And among many other functions, proteins provide energy, which is important for physical exercise, as it helps in muscle reconstruction after training, promoting the growth of lean mass, ie muscles.

The tahini can also aid in weight loss. This is because sesame helps to accelerate metabolism and because it has many fibers, which make the body take longer to digest the food. That is, it is a food that prolongs the feeling of satiety and slows hunger.

Why is it better to consume tahini?

Because it has a hard shell, it is difficult for the body to absorb all the nutrients in sesame. In the case of tahini, this absorption process is easier since the seed is in the form of a paste. Tahini is a great substitute for margarine and butter in the preparation of various recipes such as pies.

Does tahini help relieve headaches?

Tahini is a good food to insert in the diet of headaches and migraine sufferers, as calcium in sesame helps to prevent the symptoms of the disease. In addition, magnesium prevents blood vessel spasms, which usually triggers migraine attacks.

As you can see, Tahini has many nutritional benefits and adding it to your diet can make a difference to your overall health and well-being. Most of the middle eastern dishes are prepared using little salt and oil, helping to keep the body healthy, free from bad cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

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